Welcome to our church

One God and Father of all, which is above all and by all and in all.

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About us

A church for everyone.

The Christian Center of the Sierra is primarily a Christian church, with all that this means historically and theologically (see our creed). Within the Christian churches, it is an evangelical church, sharing with the millions of other evangelical Christians (or "Protestants") in the world the same basic beliefs (also, the same Creed).
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Together we can make a difference


"Because you, brothers, were called to freedom; only that you do not use freedom as a pretext for the flesh, but serve for love of one another." Galatians 5:13


Acts 2:42 can be considered as a statement of the purpose of the church, "And they persevered in the apostles' doctrine, in communion with one another, in the breaking of bread and prayers." So, according to this Scripture, the purpose or activities of the church must be; (1) Teach biblical doctrine, (2) provide a place of fellowship for believers, (3) celebrate the Lord's Supper, and (4) pray.


"So at all times we offer to God, through Jesus Christ, a sacrifice of praise that is none other than the offering of lips that bless his name."

Worship Schedules


Breakfast and something else


Bible study

Sunday — 12:15 p.m.

God's word

We invite you to participate in this journey towards a deeper knowledge of this love that God offers to the whole world.

The Evangelical Center of the Sierra, or the Evangelical Free Baptist Christian Church of Collado Villalba is the first evangelical Christian church that exists in Villalba, with its visible beginnings in 1984 (some of the believers already lived in Villalba before the beginning of the public assembly ). But the raison d'etre of the church is based on beliefs that come from a remote time, Jesus Christ and the Bible. Evangelical Christians (or Protestants), as a singular entity, have their roots in the Reformation of the 16th century, which was the attempt of some Christians (Catholics) to reform the Roman Catholic Church, seeking the revitalization of early Christianity. In short, the main beliefs proclaimed by the reformers were (and are) single scriptura (only the Bible, in contrast to oral tradition and an ecclesiastical hierarchy) and justification by faith (without indulgences or human works to try to win the salvation).

As a manifestation of the universal church in one place, the local church is an assembly of Christian believers, who form a community of faith (by "community" we mean the set of people who have things in common, primarily a simple faith in Jesus Christ and in his teachings to guide us in life). We are not perfect. We do not understand everything. We have doubts and questions. But we have all experienced a personal relationship with God that has changed our lives and our perspectives on life. This experience encourages and encourages us.
Within the evangelical churches, he is a Baptist, because in short, it has to do with the government of the church, which is completely autonomous. The free denomination contrasts with other theological ideas within the evangelical field (less important than the Creed), which is summed up with our belief in the free salvation of God, the free grace of God, and the free will of the human being. God loves everyone, and wants to relate to everyone. But God does not choose individuals who will relate to him or who will be saved, but God has determined that this depends on each individual, who has both freedom and the responsibility to decide his destiny. By his free grace, God offers his free salvation to the whole world, but leaves the decision to each individual to receive, or to reject, his offer.

The beauty of the main message of our community is that God loves the whole world, despite the color of our skin, our nationality, our gender or our socioeconomic situation. Jesus crosses all human barriers and breaks with social categories because he loves us with an unconditional love, which is the most beautiful love that exists. God demonstrated this beautiful love through his son, Jesus Christ.
We feel privileged to have known this love, and our desire is to deepen more in your knowledge, and to freely share it with all the people who want it. We invite you to participate in this journey towards a deeper knowledge of this love that God offers to the whole world.
Contact information:

34 683649160
C / Tarragona 14, Galapagar. Spain
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