Evangelicals do not venerate any image, because we have direct access to God the Father, thanks to the reconciling work of Jesus Christ. As believers, we understand that our worship should be directed only to God, as it says (Exodus 20: 3-4) “Do not have any other god besides me. 4 Do not make yourself any kind of idol, or image of anything that is in heaven, on earth or in the sea. 5 Do not bow down to them or worship them, because I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, who will not tolerate you giving your heart to other gods. ” In reality, anything or element that replaces God and to whom you direct your prayers becomes an idol. And as the apostle John warns us in (1 John 5:21) "Dear children, stay away from everything that can take God's place in your heart."
No, evangelicals or Protestants are not rare, nor are they a sect. Undoubtedly, you will always find people a bit weird within any group, but it is not a characteristic feature of us. What we can say is that, in some countries they are the predominant Christian group in the country, such as in the United States, Germany, Switzerland or the Netherlands. What has happened in our country is that Protestantism has had a markedly minority character since it was traditionally persecuted in Spain, from the time of the Inquisition until the dictatorship of Franco. In recent years, evangelicals have become the first religious minority in Spain. But we are normal people, who seek to approach Jesus, through a love relationship.
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